Tuesday, August 30, 2022


Pakistan lies in the North Western part of South Asia. It's framed by China in the North, Afghanistan in the North- West, Iran in South- West, Arabian Sea and Indian Sea in the South and India in the East. Pakistan, as apparent, is located at the crossroads of South Asia, Central Asia, and the Middle East making it an easy linking point between Central Asia and South Asia.
There have been significant immigration movements, in the areas now constituting Pakistan sincepre-historic times. The people of Pakistan are descendants of different ethnical groups andsub-racial stocks, who entered the key over the once 5000 times, substantially from central and western Asia from time to time. Yet unlike the popular misconception, it always maintained its identity and individuality separate from its neighbor India who claimed that Pakistan was a part of Aakhand Bharat( concentrated India) on the base of history. Hence its partition from India is completely unjustified. But thousands of times of history of thesub-continent tells a different story. It tells us that the areas called Pakistan moment had constantly remained as a single, compact and a separate geographical and political reality since ancient times.
Many people would be apprehensive of the true history of Pakistan still; many would know that the oldest gravestone tool in the world, dating back to2.2 million times was set up at Rabat, about fifteen long hauls down from Rawalpindi and the largest hand Axe was set up in the Soan Valley. And to eclipse it all, the point of the first settled life in the world dating back to the 8th renaissance BC has been set up at Mehergarh in the Sibi sections of Balochistan. Although Pakistan, as an independent country dates only from August 14th, 1947 and the nation itself can trace its onsets only to a many centuries agone , yet the homes of Pakistan are heir at law to one of the richest and the oldest societies and agreements of the world.
Indus Valley Civilization
The Indus Valley Civilization or the Harappan Civilization( i) is one of the most fascinating and the oldest societies ever known. It flourished between 3000 and 1500 BC by the banks of River Indus or Sind in Pakistan. This civilization was along the Indus River in present day Pakistan with its main centers at Mohenjodaro in Sind, Harappa in the Punjab, Kej in the Baluch home and Judeiro Daro in the Pathan region. It's generally believed that the occupants of Indus Valley Civilization were Dravidians who came tosub-continent from eastern Mediterranean.

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